Tomorrow its Cesar Death Date, March 15. I used to join the UB Student union activities APO CAC Honor Class (Evolutionary biology, Robotic Club ) Chess Club (Jonathon, his brother, brother's friend, and whichever gf, their pre-med Club) Pre-Pharmacy, just show up one or two times..... Dr. Takeuchi, and Dr. Fourner Dr. Ester Takeuchi, and Dr. Chambler UB undergraduate advisor, Carol (me and Bill) + Honor Program advisor (?) Chemistry secretary and Chem consular, Dr. Mc Iver. Just seeing human not all in the compact of warehouse, you will feel better, that is not a public shower, or a public toilet, no matter how uncomfortable these human you don't really know, to work at, to know, its just from the same UB. Some familiar faces from the newspaper. BBQ Time Once you have the bum fire, BBQ, mush mellow human with chocolate cookies, or whatever boy scout, APO we does those night out bum could sing whatever you feel like with the people to bring the guitar there, really...