⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫♫千年前你曾跪過黃昏中的雪 ♫♫♫♫♫⭐️⭐️⭐️ ♫♫♫♫一年一念、一晝一夜♫♫♫♫相思都追隨♫♫♫♫🧹🧹♫♫♫♫看見蒼生無盡的臉♫♫♫ 永晝之下無疑對比、業雨咒♫♫♫千年前,你曾,跪過黃昏中的雪♫♫♫♫乞求白天晝夜無以對眠♫♫♫♫🧹🧹 ♫♫♫相思無疑對著黃昏的那一年 ♫♫♫我遇見
♫♫♫因為一個人的執念~♫♫♫ 我想我會是最在意的那一個人! ♫ 因為一個人追尋的一生! ♫♫♫ 這座城~ ♫ 困惑著無數的靈魂 ♫♫ 那個人會是誰? 打開無數的城? ♫♫♫ 因為一個人放棄一座城 ~~~~~ ♫♫♫ 只因為 ♫♫♫ 歲月在無數的蔓延,沒有眼神的執念,在黃昏下的斷頭 ~~~ ♫♫♫ 也許你還在尋找你愛的平衡 ♫♫♫ 而我在原地等地人 ~~ 孤獨的靈魂會是誰? 在最後的每一天~~ 那個人,打開的會是哪一年, 因為一個人,會是哪一人~放棄的城,會是留住誰的眼神? 因為一座城,因為時間只是一個可以占盡所有人的利益, 我想我會是那個人~永恆的那一個
因為一個人,失去的會是...永恆的, 愛的 ♫♫♫ ♫♫ 紙是~~~~ ♫♫♫♫ 跳 !!!!
♫♫♫ 滿地的商狠 ~~~~~~ ♫♫♫ 因為一個人放棄一座城 ~~~ ♫♫♫ 因為一座城失去一個人,沒有人會獲勝 ♫♫ 全軍覆沒 !!!!無一幸免 ~~~~ ♫♫♫ 因為一個人~~~~~ ♫♫♫ 打開的城門 ~~~~ ♫♫ 這座城滿是孤獨的靈魂,融化會是那,天地堅持的那一天!!! ♫♫ 因為一座城,失去一個人,沒有人能獲勝 ♫♫♫ 滿城的鮮血~~因為一人~~放棄了一生!!!只是留下無奈地指示~~ ♫♫♫
Sep or Oct, 2021
Sep 22, 2021
🍔🍔 I got the Mc Donald today's video up Sep 22, 2021 🍔🍔https://194worlds001.blogspot.com/2021/09/i-got-mc-donald-todays-video-up-sep-22.html
🍔🍔 Pinterests Photo - One Day Tour 🍔🍔
Sep 21, 2021. 11:22am
They are actors? Nick mentors them? That one?
"The Bird can stand in the wind, sing.~~~"
"Open ~ ~your~ heart~ and sunshine forever and ever ....hold~ that fasten seatbelt, ever and ever..."
"I believe ~~you and me...we are strong ...."
August 25 2021
How is your Tina's new World today?
♫♫ 我想我會是最在意的那一個人!
♫ 因為一個人追尋的一生! ♫
♫♫♫ 這座城~ ♫
困惑著無數的靈魂 ♫♫♫♫
那個人會是誰? 打開無數的城? ♫♫
♫♫♫ 因為一個人放棄一座城 ~~~~~ ♫♫♫
只因為 ♫♫
♫♫♫ 歲月在無數的蔓延,沒有眼神的執念,在黃昏下的斷頭 ~~~ ♫♫♫♫
♫♫ ♫♫ 而我在原地等地人 ~~
孤獨的靈魂會是誰? 在最後的每一天~~
♫♫♫ ♫♫ 紙是~~~~ ♫♫♫♫ 跳 !!!!
♫♫♫ 滿地的商狠 ~~~~~~ ♫♫♫♫
因為一個人放棄一座城 ~~~ ♫♫
♫♫♫ 因為一座城失去一個人,沒有人會獲勝 ♫♫
全軍覆沒 !!!!無一幸免 ~~~~ ♫♫
♫♫ 因為一個人~~~~~ ♫♫♫ 打開的城門 ~~~~~
♫♫ 這座城滿是孤獨的靈魂,融化會是那,天地堅持的那一天!!! ♫♫
因為一座城,失去一個人,沒有人能獲勝 ♫♫
♫♫♫ 滿城的鮮血~~因為一人~~放棄了一生!!!只是留下無奈地指示~~ ♫♫♫
Remember her ....Remember soul heart talk....Remember the day
Remember the time. Remember doubts
Remember support
Remember names....
♫♫♫♫ Remember that day.....every day....every dream comes to reality ..♫♫♫♫♫
If I told you, whom shows up .....you should remember .... American Solders!
♫♫ give what we have, for appreciation.... able to feel..... God I found you, lost without you....every wish every dream how it becomes...you, but the sunlight complete, in my whole life....over and well gratitude.....you are so thankful...bread in front of you, salt in front, to use...
Over that gratitude....you are so grateful ....you found you ....♫♫♫♫
You ~~~♫♫
♫♫♫ oh ~~ when when when....baby I am so thankful, you found you.... ♫♫♫
August 16, 2021
Same Dates
2021年8月14日 星期六
In Chinese - Cell & Overall RNA, Vegetable. 炳輝植物學中國大學醫學界基礎科目, 基因學、細胞學、人體工學、器官、太乙真人製作五臟六肺不是一攤血水骨骼學
I talk in Chinese, this video. You all listen to this 2018-2019.
Now, we are in the time year 2021,
好久不見 !
♫♫ 因為愛你~所以離開你!!
也許不在是哪怕,過去♫♫ 因為你,好愛你
♫♫如果只是回憶,卻放棄,在遙遠的記憶,是如何變成回憶 ♫♫ ♫
愛情這遊戲,如果換個方式在進行,愛他♫♫ ♫ 他卻不愛你♫
如果在時間的記憶,歲月會如何進行♫♫ ♫♫♫ 在回憶的事,要如何說明
♫ 愛情這遊戲,如果換個方式進行♫
為何是不齒,寂寞在逍遙的邊緣,是如何的忘記♫ ♫♫
會是他最後的選擇的意義 ♫♫ ♫♫
留下會是什麼的回憶 那如果那一天的順益~不再是說明♫
♫ 愛情這遊戲♫好想換個地方進行,所以沒有了他,在原地踏步的行進♫
只是太多的陳諾,在遠方 時間的遷移,歲月的無庸置疑,載他♫♫
會是哪一年夏天的記憶 ♫♫只是不用說明♫一切都在愛的回憶 ♫♫
♫愛情這遊戲,無非是無禮的對話♫ ♫
♫ 遷息之後的無悔,會是哪年的未來♫♫
♫♫ 不再記憶中的仰望,在不知的黑夜 ♫ ♫
♫ 一直都在無悔的那一天存在的記憶,只因為有你 ♫♫♫♫
♫ 愛情這遊戲♫好想換個方式進行,無悔之下的作傭 ♫
♫♫♫是記憶的短初的今非昔比~ ♫ ♫♫ 在遙望的對弈,是無比的時令♫♫ ♫
悲歡離合的訴說,一直都在忘記時間的遷息 ♫♫
♫ 愛情這遊戲♫ 時節的記憶,是無悔的往事今非昔比♫♫
♫ ♫遙望的對應,會是何處的事事無常適應 ♫♫ 只因為有你!!♫
♫ 愛情的記憶,他太在意,我愛你,好愛你♫♫ 是過往的回憶,只是對弈♫
時間的放棄,一直填寫的蠻山水嶺 ~ ♫ 我愛你,珍愛你,其中的憐憫♫ 一直在時間中的存在遷移
♫ ♫ 是非的走向,他處無視逢的對峙,是何謂傭山懶義
♫ ♫只是定義,我愛你,好愛你,只想好好的存在你的回憶
♫ 記憶中的是,無非是你♫ ♫ 不想你,在放棄,只是因為有你,只因為有你
♫♫ ♫ 愛情這遊戲♫如果換個方式來進行
♫~只怯在圓缺水嶺 ♫忘了明月瞭時無非他人定義 ♫♫
♫♫ 只是換個方式,一直都是最愛你 ♫
♫愛情這遊戲 ~如果換個地方進行♫ 無視他人的對弈 ♫♫
♫♫ 雖然無意,只是討論上的抉擇,對弈♫
♫ 只需要說明,因為愛你,所以離開你!
♫♫ 愛情這遊戲~如果可以♫♫
♫ 會是哪月哪日?♫ ♫
♫永恆的定義 ♫ 他人在的試意~抉擇會是♫ ♫ 無悔無義 ~~ ♫
愛情這遊戲,如果換個方式進行,他人在的前提♫ ♫只是
♫♫ 視他~太多的定義!♫♫
Saturday, August 14, 2021
I am eating.....you all can eat what I buy today? Sushi !!!!! I am watching Haliey, it must be their parents, both sides, + Mormon + 1800 numbers, that is toll free... and who is this company? no, I have never used it, but I heard in the old age, of mine, I can call them to carry water all the way up on the stair, here. At the door, deliverd!If one day, you all understand how to be soaking wet....to read what I write, songs.
And one day, after that, the commander-in-chef cruelty, me shows....them something.
3 Arts of killing methods, horror to die reality, like.....how skillful, it is them, or will be, trying next hour, or every hour, til tomorrow....whatever they got in tapes, I repeat about hundred times, I am so tired...so I eat, something, they would die, if they don't....
And then...
After military having that meeting, unless 5 Lords, Simon, or Monks order were there too to see me naked...well. The military, let's say, they are all uniform, we used to do meetings, before.
Used to.
And whenever, we are soaking wet.
then, we are wet again.
Tired in the water, they are all almost dead
And eat something in a box.
Called Thank God, that is a food.
We sit down, to together watching.....this. I thought a little song, was better. no matter what, whom loving whom, we were talking how French, those civilization die out, was not their part of anyone part to know, was or anything in 1000 years, no one remember, what it was...that no one really, don't have enough education to change a civliization, because the education is low, that American advertising the individulaity right, its not really lasting...
One of those serious, talk, they have no compassion...because they have no skills, I complain naked in front of mirror like I care about it.
Right now its to watching this....Maybe I can just open a browser for a song, can I actually hear the narrowtive, what was the word he said?
I didn't hear, too fast.
So all those none related party I mention about their parenting, branch...anything I can do for you, we are all soaking wet, and small basin, really, how they cannot swim to splash all the water outside, I say, lines....surface or wall, or left or right ....no water out, please.
4:15 on their video, and I open this song, with smaller volumn, y♫ou can adjust on the screen, on your left. ♫♫♫♫♫ 我想你,我卻放棄 ♫♫♫
So I can comments.....
long time ago.....I used to live in Kentucky, long time....long long ago. One day, about 8 years ago, I join a place I must to become, and that becoming, one day, was an India University.
On my file.
I look into the screen.
I look into another screen, they are graduates that with the hats, that going into the sky....
An advertising video.It was 2018-2019. Today, 2021 we have new commanders here. Those years, were not really long ago. They have athletes on an empty school grounds, that far away from the main University structure, that away in the soccer field.
So long ago, a simple drive out, to so called breakfast, in a host family, cinnamon rolls.There were life, that before all the fragment of what it ought to be, to live....And that one day, of my real life, never again, I could live that convenience in life. To believe....security, because...
Song: 獨家記憶! (我不是購物狂)
♫♫愛情這遊戲 ... 換個方式進行 ♫♫
好愛你、愛過你、卻在遠方放棄~~ ♫♫
Fur..neral...在 corner...♫♫♫
離開你~只是因為太在意 ♫♫回憶不能驚異~因為愛你,所以才會離開你 ♫♫♫♫
愛的太深刻,卻何必在意♫♫如果驚異這雙眼睛~~太愛你,只在遠方放棄 ! 只是不知,到底未來何謂分離 ♫♫♫
太愛你、卻放棄,只因為再轉角的記憶 ♫♫♫
愛情這遊戲~~ ♫♫
♫♫愛情這遊戲 ... 換個方式進行 ♫♫
好愛你、愛過你、卻在遠方放棄~~ ♫♫
Fur..neral...在 corner...♫♫♫
離開你~只是因為太在意 ♫♫回憶不能驚異~因為愛你,所以才會離開你 ♫♫♫♫
愛的太深刻,卻何必在意♫♫如果驚異這雙眼睛~~太愛你,只在遠方放棄 ! 只是不知,到底未來何謂分離 ♫♫♫
太愛你、卻放棄,只因為再轉角的記憶 ♫♫♫
愛情這遊戲~~ ♫♫
2021年8月14日 星期六
藍色小男孩的 Pinterest Profile....♫♫ 回憶太擁擠 ♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫隨著時間的遷息 ~ ~ ♫♫♫♫
♫♫ 停留在原地、也許只剩下♫♫ 憐惜 ~~
不需要說明 ~~ ♫♫♫ 愛情這遊戲,只是倒著進行~♫♫而我在寂寞中遷息~ 在我的記憶....我愛你,好愛你,總是在遙遠的彼方,遷息 ♫♫♫♫♫♫ 藏在記憶裡的事,何謂知,在遙遠的未來,在千年的遷息,一切不再記憶♫♫♫♫
我愛你~好愛你♫♫♫♫ 所以總是對你表現太在意,回到過去,♫♫♫♫我想你,卻放棄,無聲無息,只是因為 ♫~愛你~想你,千年的遷息 ♫♫♫♫ 在彼方的遠距離
在不知的愛情,總是換個方式進行♫♫也許你不知,在寂寞中的記憶,拉扯的默許,讓一切回憶♫♫♫♫ 回憶回不到的未來,是想你,卻無法停止的遷息,藏在記憶中的默許♫♫♫♫ 好想你,水遠高山的憐惜~♫♫♫♫ 我想你,卻放棄,無聲無惜的溪水山瑞,藏在記憶,只是因為太愛你 ....♫♫♫♫
♫♫忘記~所以離開你 ♫♫♫♫愛情這遊戲,是如何姑息~~ ♫♫♫♫ 只是愛他,把所有事情拋空進行,好愛你~總是對你表現太在意 ♫♫♫♫隨月知曉月~~好遠的記憶,因為愛你,所以離開籤離~~♫♫♫♫
好愛你~~永遠這時間,何時是最後 ♫♫♫♫過去的那將來,會是如何在,♫♫♫♫放棄之後中絕望的忘記 ♫♫♫♫因為愛你... 所以離開....你 ♫♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫ 愛情這遊戲 ♫♫♫♫
好遠好距離,我想你~♫♫♫♫卻放棄這記憶 ~♫♫♫♫ 時間這愛情,總是在進行,一歲一年意義,而我在寂寞中的手銬,遙遠的凝距 ~我在太在意!
我愛你 ♫♫♫♫好愛你 ♫♫♫♫所以總是對你比現太在意~只有寫下,此,所以漸漸地莫忘,那一天,離開你
♫♫♫♫愛情這遊戲~~ 所以離開你 ♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫ 因為愛你,所以離開你 ♫
他卻不在意~~ ♫而我在記憶中回憶 ♫♫
拉扯的對話,是距離 ♫♫
只是眷戀的回憶之中的提議~ ♫我想你,卻放棄,只是殘餘之後的說明 ♫♫♫
因為愛你 ♫♫只是當初的長遠之後的殘缺♫♫
好遠好遠的距離 ♫♫只是當初♫♫的記憶
我愛你♫好愛你 ♫只想你 ,希望你的回憶,一直都是停留在無止盡的對峙持續♫♫
只因為,太愛你 ♫♫♫♫
August 8, 2021
A report, music links URL statues report
August 2, 2021
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫♫千年前你曾跪過黃昏中的雪 ♫♫♫♫♫⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
August 1, 2021
♫♫♫♫ 永生緣、最好是成全,含笑一睹你容顏,天地多遼遠~~~~而你在身邊♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫♫ yeah I know. Yesterday 昨天科學的訴訟問題 you all want to sue us dead us science 1900 groups. You know, I know what you want to figure it out …what you know, I know, you don’t know. Correct, I know.
New Age
You are white lighter,
You are light worker
You are a miracle worker
You come far to join us in hands to pray
You comes in to our delight you need anything from us ?
You are manifestation of a God single point, called focus energy
You are energy being
This body is not yours
This temple or God is whispering of me saying to you go to hell with it, impairement human.
I will help you to sound smart to …attempt doubts me in court
Your honor, we are from like Susan Boyle Simon fan club, wish you to know we are Anglican singing none body require 4 limbs off human, no eyes needs color green, no hair needs to wash smell, no neck wears golds, but to use our mouth to wish a sound by having a throat cord to pronounce English, it’s everything given to us by God is so trivial to our gratitude is to Old Testament Yehweh, stem cells remake us a new skin, throat cord, hair to grow inside brain socket, eye ball green DNA stem cells, with brand new limbs looks nicer at volleyball, has an artery in our neck not dead to inhale oxygen to live so to compete Keanu Reeves young photos the One, Hollywood.
One day .l.everything you are ….stem cells from my Anna Rao map
It will give every new things in your body when you try to Suicide yourselves spoon eyes, cut ears, drags hairs dry not moisture, blue eyes not green eyes, new heart, new liver no matter what food too salty and fat …you can become Atlantis, every body organ you intend to kill yourself with mentality, you will never die called Stem cell.
Your honor, we are from like Susan Boyle Simon fan club, wish you to know we are Anglican singing none body require 4 limbs off human, no eyes needs color green, no hair needs to wash smell, no neck wears golds, but to use our mouth to wish a sound by having a throat cord to pronounce English, it’s everything given to us by God is so trivial to our gratitude is to Old Testament Yehweh, stem cells remake us a new skin, throat cord, hair to grow inside brain socket, eye ball green DNA stem cells, with brand new limbs looks nicer at volleyball, has an artery in our neck not dead to inhale oxygen to live so to compete Keanu Reeves young photos the One, Hollywood.
New Age, hear me once for all coach, you will pray so hard that days your life never was just a coach, a word single alphabet ever be wrong ….no one cares your tiny pieces of NPL !! Body is God given Soul is? Reptilian trap you back
Try to die and forget your memory …it’s one life.
♫♫♫♫♫ 天地多遼遠 ♫♫♫♫
You imagine you don’t need your body, not your eyes to see, not better hearing far far away with ability, you imagine you don’t have wings to fly. Those are temple of God given by God only ….
Body is a useless temple
You only need to meditate to soar high in drugs to drop acid ….
One day you want appearance, whiter teeth, black hair, blonde darken hair, blue one eyes, shorter neck length, bigger breast, better lung to exercise not disease, better dreams, better brain to IQ memory books to A transcript, better health not catch cough, better feet not to smell, better period without pain, better spine never sport injury but replace every single tournament….anything you ever wish superficiality on your body you ever ever ever all wish, when you look at the mirror to replace any condition, you call pain in body nerves you feel, migrant, tooth hurt, lip dry, skin spots, red skin too many dark mode, too many legs hair not to shave, no more beard …l
One day ….
You will remember God
♫♫♫♫♫♫一生永生緣♫♫♫⭐️♫♫♫ 而你在身邊 ♫♫♫♫
July, 2021
⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫♫♫♫一年一年還記得 ….. … tell me about line?⭐️⭐️⭐️♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ 屋簷下的雪很甜~~~~~
There was a general written a letter to his son.
There was a guy cleaning his house how to wipe every vase bottle
Military American walk in a room in 10 seconds - how many numbers of guns you see in this room
Visa: Special Worker
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ 還記得… … 來,只為了走的那一天♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫📲 花~在季邊的笑臉~忘了摘下時的缺~~
不就是 inside your Heaven, mountain fold I am still here?
一個人生可以選擇不忘記,那做到如何 how to choose eternal life than eternal love
沒有人想活 eternal life so remember one thing call 3 Esteem.
Of all the evolution, the only chance to remember God.
Of all the one life, there is God on printing paper to be heard
Of all the life, there is only direction to play, see, hope, kneel, pray to 3 Esteem
Of all the life, if you could learn that when you are alive, if you could give up all things in life, ALL things that life, one life, eternal life, maybe eternal love is real.
Tell me you belief? Not your words to seduce girls? I am not dead yet, to sleep my 5 Lords? Coming in Nick? Detain them and sex?
Tell me again …what’s in your mind you wish ?
It’s just merely a wish !
A line
Isn’t trying to get attention Chinese or American is only …what issues?
Tell me.
♫♫♫♫♫𝄞 𝄢♫為誰靜止的思念?♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
What does American want they dare to proclaim all that ? You are 100% given ?
♫♫♫♫♫𝄞 風 圍裙纏繞的煙 ♫♫♫♫♫生死離別的戀(鏈)
一年一年, 屋簷下的雪很甜 ♫♫♫♫♫
不是有紀錄嗎?看著紀錄的天呀!是 誰?
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫𝄞𝄞𝄞𝄞𝄞 屋簷下的雪很甜~~~
人真的不想死?真的?不是誰幫不幫助呀!問呀!有錢的想死,可是我這邊登記過的呀! 願望是指日可待,不是下一秒,那一秒、每一秒的人生都是累
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫𝄞𝄞♫是過心的弦,是你低垂的臉 ♫♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫𝄞𝄞 一天一年~~~還記得那雪♫♫♫♫♫♫ ♫♫♫♫
不是有權利嗎?~ 一天一年,錯過的時間~~♫♫♫♫♫𝄞 𝄢♫
Tell me, can you hear me?
Tell me “them” can hear me hologram apart that living veil ?
♫♫♫♫♫♫𝄞𝄞 屋簷下的雪很甜♫♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫♫♫𝄞𝄞 還記得,那天♫♫♫♫♫♫
♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ 還記得夏天♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫
所有人都想去做軍人?你說軍校的意思?台灣32 歲之前
說呀! 敢!就如何驚天動地! 說呀!不是知道嗎?說大聲洛克斐勒演戲的影片叫做自己承認2010 (video) Say IT !! She acts ? Say it !!!
♫♫♫♫♫來生可否再見面 ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫一諾永生緣♫♫♫♫♫紀妍送離別♫♫♫♫♫願此情不滅
燈 滅了沒呀?
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