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Showing posts from July 25, 2021

Music people cannot play sports. So I define, impaired ... human don't need a spirituality develop, just walk okay? Walking right! Not fallen down, on the road, or your bed?

 Something wrong with this uploading, there is no thumbnail, so I upload my own photo on it. I give a talk on all your SMTV groups. You have a resume, I made your Master one piece of page long...not a court paper, yet. This is after 5 Lords Review, 2018 Jan - 2019 Dec, 2 full years works goes to Education sector in UB 2020, and when I did this talk, I was not talking to Eben Pagan, not if one day, you so darling this Eben Pagan, from Day 1 of your first 8 years then another 8 years, to do this to him? I am always curious how you make a choice between the Principle Dumbledore says to Harry....What we all gonna face, right choices? Can you just pretending your Master will read your piece of anything creation other than her own poetry that stuffs? So write it clear, design it like she can see the words, say it, like she can hear, and I bet, my monitor lie to me, her vision test, I CANNOT SEE ANYTHING!!!! You want to tell her what is in Taiwan unit? 174 臺尺? on a green back...

When I was in high school, after the Volleyball Team finish all the regional touranment, I got dragged to the roller blader club by the captain.

 Did I tell you, I travel with the Roller Blades, not actually a skill to dance on it ? There is some skills needs to learn at those steps.  Traveling means, wildlife seeking survival really saying it....野外求生 Currently I don't have all the video, or I just really don't care about it anymore. Its the song the captain selected. Do you know why the music goes with the rhythm so we have steps on it? Not this?   Do you actually know, I hear a song 20 years ago, a rythm on the steps means? I know the song I done the dance Its combine on the hearing, and steps on it.  

Do you want to talk about it, So Vain, on this Video saying? 10 Days? Its called you Simon Cowell my lawsuit paper missing, you are Vain straight saying on stage, award ceremony.

  How did I feel to talk 700 video, 2 years of the Ice Skating, Cooking, Sing Rip Off, Flower Thousand Bones, UN exams +Bio genetics ( In Chinese) +Climate Change ( In English ) What do you think Russian learn language to get ahead? On 1900 Science? First paragraph of their first publish article peer review journals? Extract? An Extract is the statement above your First paragraph.

What do I do for a living? Tell me? Up there?

 You see, one day you all gonna sing a song to your liking guys' parents, to tell them, why you behavior the way, you behave. That is the Job Title I have? No more music teacher? Do you know why we have this site made? So you could all learn the future ~~~  Do you feel embarrassed to your potential customers?  Do you feel embarrassed to your potential customer's parents? Do you feel embarrassed to your school principle, high school, college, MD professors, bio Chem I told him I mark him a F on the ground, 403? You are narrative a story in front of you, and them. These things are important to you, what others did to you? I didn't even known whom that Wallace is. Up until you feel hurt, like I have a mirror inside, I might one day that Wallace become a Lord to tell me, what?  I got a mirror to feel pain, for real!  That is a dream. I talked about Wing, but I was not saying that, to say this Dean! They MD don't practice a thing in life called philosophy, but many p...

Anna Rao Singing Songs Collections ( In English ) 英文演唱版

 When I was learning the singing in elementary school, we have a short writing in numerical, including rythm. The private school had a particular straight down flute, its every day morning, you carry that to your morning standing under the sun for one hour...everyday like a military. I had a life in the elementary. We do dance like when I was in third grade, its all wet. We did a fabulous design. They give us a sweet hot ginger tea from the kitchen, next by that ghost bathroom I am telling you about? Yeah. Its car pool those Canvas making it space. I used to be second grade standing in front of the classroom facing the front with balcony bars. I was telling myself, one day I gonna be 5th grade? I play an instrument at the front row, once I was 4th grade or 5th grade probably...all the way to 6th. Its a particular instrument, you blow air, so you play piano, 口風琴 long never play, you don't know, not exactly in Conan, Begger scene . One day, He turns from a Tarted ...

Anna Rao Singing Songs Collections ( In Chinese ) 中文演唱版

 In Chinese, at my daily works, I have a lot of back end stored video is not yet avalible to found it, and show it to you. But we do this things slowly, and progressively. I used to be an Organic Chemistry tutor, we are using a ChemDraw software. Its very very difficult to create one diagram to hold that sites. Then monitization of the niches to learn marketing.  I believe your ultimate goal is to profile, not just learning the music IT world aspects? Anna Rao Singing Songs Collects are in both Chinese and in English. No, I don't sing in the public stage. I keep saying that clear, this is all demo. Blogger IT frame its 640 x 532 (no, I just roughly calculate it and throw on the blogger html codes, not really I look up on Google. No. These things are just try and errors, I only know how to do those table things TH, TR, TD. Not CSS, cannot help you. I have to create my own buttom, that is one image by image. You can just hire someone does CSS for you.)

How to create a Music Website ( IE, not IPad Safari )

 How to create a music Website from the perspective you want to collaborate the musician, or artists that is classic world or New Age movement? Because you are a small artist or solo type to get hired in the concert or local wedding? This Music World Anna Rao page, is created to adding my family own music artist, whom have background in the public performance.  To create a music website from Anna Rao, my perspective, I will be using some of my other works as a Commander-in-Chef in 194 World Country, that leading the music to create my certificate said Public Librarian New York methods. Its the IT department being said, not just the music background. So if you are looking a pure mp3 download those music sites, this is not the website for you. We are teaching IT skills for people like my sister, Tina Jao, Step-by-step how to create graphic or convenience, once you set-up, you can design that style all the time in your blogger post. If you imagine this website its to create keywo...