In Chinese, at my daily works, I have a lot of back end stored video is not yet avalible to found it, and show it to you. But we do this things slowly, and progressively. I used to be an Organic Chemistry tutor, we are using a ChemDraw software. Its very very difficult to create one diagram to hold that sites. Then monitization of the niches to learn marketing.
I believe your ultimate goal is to profile, not just learning the music IT world aspects?
Anna Rao Singing Songs Collects are in both Chinese and in English.
No, I don't sing in the public stage. I keep saying that clear, this is all demo. Blogger IT frame its 640 x 532 (no, I just roughly calculate it and throw on the blogger html codes, not really I look up on Google. No. These things are just try and errors, I only know how to do those table things TH, TR, TD. Not CSS, cannot help you. I have to create my own buttom, that is one image by image. You can just hire someone does CSS for you.)
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