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America show : Voice

That is what they do? No, I don't really watch TV.


I have seen Simon last year, on the TV. Levine....maybe I saw?

Most time, you try to mock up first....exactly, yeah....that doesn't mean the singer they like it at all.....

That is not really how I learn the music, not really. I don't listen to the music, I had the music class, extra class in Saturday, we used to go to 6 days school, the 6th days are half day school, no uniform.

Light causal, everyone got nervous day to dress....fresh!

I remember.

You know, besides, running, jumping, fliping, every neighborhood I went....

or just enough car things borrowing, getting out....hotel living in and out....GPS every morning whatever this Babaji becomes Neo Keanu saying....."Drive" have no ideas what those days have becoming....

When is the last time I knew Titanic those professional musician producers and mean music teacher. Those are orchestra memorial hall, black tie.

Their Hollywood, to Italian....Andrew Bocelli and Sarah Brightman, those are Andrew Webber, Anniversary, Disney back end Frozen producing stuffs, at their round table. Are they they same with the Voice?

These....drunk human to say, smoke filled up the room, not to say, Black Gangster to that movie industry, to drugs, or gamble table, to say bank, accountant.....

I become every subjects maid, and I still have to stay outside my traffic light only....just how I go home each time, Flip, jump, bounce.....have I told you too many too many too many times how is my traffic lights looks to you at night?

9 olock each night?

川山越嶺....before I reaching it...there, its Astor 1234 ghost under the Fluoescense lights....

Every time I tell you something, you all gonna tell me you cannot see it. Its the place you see tree, that corner.....


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