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Singing 16 you don't think gambling greater good? Its a math sequence with the cards in the hands to say magic square 3x3.....


思考樂樂學數學小學堂-來著大禹時期神奇的幻方- 每日頭條DingDing: 幻方(Magic square)神龜馱書,大禹治水的方法來源,「河圖洛書」的洛書到底是什麼? - 每日頭條

Blue pill, Bed Pill (Movie, Matrix 2000, Keanu Reeves)

What is the magic square?

What is 3x3 magic square?

What is the dynasty 3000 years ago about someone fix the flood

There are two King of King before him

    Yao, the Go Game king given the go game to his song.

    順, really just be kind to your parents

    The Flood Guy

        Simon Cowell with his two sister ladies.

What is the Truth of which frames, really? 1:34

SMTV Searl Engineer, 

John Searl, that is 8 x 8 magic square

Did I say 3 x 3?

Matrix? its? 

8x8 Magic Square Order 8 Astrological Stock Vector (Royalty Free) 601268489

Then what was my DNA? You still have to watch video, don't you think?

Which side of the story do you believe?

Magic, or magic Square?

Its civil case, or is that even a legal case, yet?

No matter what, bow, kneel, flat you invisiblely, you just need to keep clicking on it, like supporting cause with your emotion.

You know you are corner, at the wall, if not at the water falls, I already say, you ready to change, you will fall in the water. Its the same no matter what you don't change

a bit.....

Like I ever care...or ever needed, to redeem soul. 

At all....

No Matter What

Andrew Webber Royal Hall...Anniversary. Its just a presentation, required to deliver.

At all ....

That is SImon Cowell 9 years ago, supposed to get it right, not just, you what?

Several year, never get it right,

At all.....

There is no options, you only get it right the first day the first time, miss it....ALLTHAT!

Any greater good of investment, its all in vain and wasted....

Too much attention in your life, everywhere else, will cause you 9 years long....or 1 year....



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