Singing 17 The moment you want to learn singing, you thought you wish to sing, or you wish your family together you sing, or you learn behind trickery, no one knows, and becomes those Simon saw those guys voice, ugly, but great voice on stage? You want to know which ending story?
20 years Celine Dion since 2000, she age a lot.
These people you see Simon brought out on the stage from the rural or warehouse manager, you like them?
And, you want to tell them how you become a greater voice of your kind? or those family behind you doing that, you tell them about me here?
You all talk about it?
They wish to kill you, that is what I say.....usually one image after, you don't read my lines.That is a big photo you scrolling down, on the internet, to do those Eben Pagan, Squeeze page, its no image. No. Your personal blog supposed to be like a video blog, they will tell you, not great. But words filled up just emotional speeches, your stage blog. Kinda of like that scarf lady, a mesmorizing childhood memory, to a real life event, to deliver that story to the public. You may not like it now, but not 7 billions human you all imagine they are here on my website, to be brainwash. You have only certain way to deliver a public front works, that is your agent, or management says you become like you to become, no other ways.
Those two person, one manager, one Susan Boyle, you like them both? Simon knows whom they are. You want to find out what the reality now? Taking a singing lesson is not hard, everyone can change their manner or the living quality a bit.
Its just when you find out. Like my brother don't know I sing.
No I don't sing, not really. But he is really a Elvis Presley, on Victoria Secret, Brunno Mars, and that is his sister, or daughter married Michael Jackson, and his birthday is August 15.
Guess living or death dates of Elvis Presley?
Like Tesla, like Titanic, Da Vinci....
Like Tony's song, Hitler's body guard, born dates.
Most public figure
They cannot bear criticism, or jail, or reputation they do something extra, like Kate Hudson don't dare to get all the territory one person, she might die early, age. Their company will evaluate that, in case they die in the 40 years however long to keep them happy without them knowing. Because that is a public image,
Its not karmically correct.
Animals kills them all, you better don't ask the animals. You receive an answer you better deliver, or don't ever ask them, at all. Not really.
You think its funny, to ask them.
Its a ALL no.
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